The best tools to detect ARP spoofing

To gain insights into the underlying protocols and strengthen defenses against attacks like ARP spoofing, several tools are available that can assist in network monitoring, analysis, and security.

Check my list of the best tools to hack or detect ARP spoofing, but also other network-based attacks.


These tools help detect anomalies, provide visibility into network traffic, and enhance overall network security. Here are some popular tools you can consider:


The most obvious tools for network traffic scanning is Wireshark. It’s a widely used network protocol analyzer that captures and examines network traffic in real-time.

It allows you to inspect packets at various layers of the network stack, including Ethernet, ARP, IP, and more. Wireshark helps identify abnormal ARP activity, allowing you to detect potential ARP spoofing attacks and take appropriate countermeasures.

Cheat sheet:

  • Launch Wireshark: wireshark
  • Capture packets on a specific network interface: wireshark -i <interface>
  • Filter captured traffic for ARP packets: arp
  • Apply a display filter to show only ARP packets from a specific IP address: arp.src.proto_ipv4 == <IP>
  • Apply a display filter to show only ARP packets with a specific MAC address: arp.src.hw_mac == <MAC>


ARPwatch is a tool specifically designed to monitor ARP activity and detect ARP-based attacks. It continuously monitors the local network and maintains a database of IP-to-MAC address mappings.

ARPwatch alerts network administrators when it detects any changes or inconsistencies in the ARP tables, such as multiple MAC addresses associated with a single IP address or IP address changes for a known MAC address. By promptly identifying ARP spoofing attempts, ARPwatch enables quick response and mitigation.

Cheat sheet:

  • Start ARPwatch to monitor network activity: arpwatch -i <interface>
  • Specify the log file location: arpwatch -f <log_file>
  • Monitor multiple network interfaces: arpwatch -i <interface1> -i <interface2>
  • Run ARPwatch in the background: arpwatch -d


Ettercap is a comprehensive suite of tools for network monitoring and attack analysis. It supports various functionalities, including ARP poisoning attacks, sniffing, protocol analysis, and network discovery.

Ettercap allows you to analyze captured packets, detect ARP spoofing attempts, and even perform ARP spoofing as a controlled experiment for testing network security. It is a powerful tool for understanding the techniques used by attackers and developing effective defense strategies.

Cheat sheet:

  • Launch Ettercap: ettercap -G
  • Scan the network to discover hosts: ettercap -T -i <interface> -L
  • Perform ARP poisoning on a target: ettercap -T -i <interface> -M arp:remote /<target_IP>/ /<victim_IP>/
  • Enable IP forwarding for ARP poisoning: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Cain and Abel

Cain and Abel is a multipurpose network security tool that offers a range of capabilities, including ARP spoofing detection.

It allows you to perform ARP cache poisoning attacks to test the security of your network, but also provides mechanisms to detect and counter such attacks. Cain and Abel can be utilized to monitor ARP tables, detect unauthorized changes, and send alerts to network administrators.

Cheat sheet:

  • Launch Cain and Abel: Run the application and choose the desired features from the menu.
  • ARP poisoning: Navigate to the „ARP” tab, select the appropriate network interface, and click on the „Start/Stop ARP” button.
  • ARP table monitoring: Go to the „ARP” tab and click on the „ARP Watch” button.


Network Intrusion Detection Systems tools, such as Snort or Suricata, monitor network traffic for malicious activities, including ARP spoofing.

These systems utilize a combination of signature-based detection and behavior analysis to identify potential attacks. By configuring NIDS with appropriate rules, you can enhance your network’s defenses against ARP spoofing and other security threats.

Snort cheat sheet:

  • Start Snort in packet sniffing mode: snort -i <interface>
  • Load Snort rules from a specific configuration file: snort -c <config_file>
  • Display alerts for ARP spoofing attempts: snort -A console -c <config_file> -e

Suricata cheat sheet:

  • Start Suricata in packet capture mode: suricata -c <config_file> -i <interface>
  • Monitor network traffic and display alerts: suricata -c <config_file> -i <interface> –alert-console

SIEM systems

Security Information and Event Management systems, like Splunk or ELK Stack, aggregate logs and events from various sources across the network.

By analyzing the collected data, SIEM tools can help identify patterns and anomalies, including ARP spoofing attempts. SIEM systems provide a centralized platform for monitoring network activity, generating alerts, and facilitating incident response.

Splunk search queries:

  • Search for ARP spoofing-related events: index=<your_index> sourcetype=<your_sourcetype> „ARP spoofing”
  • Filter events based on specific IP addresses: index=<your_index> sourcetype=<your_sourcetype> src_ip=<IP>
  • Search for events related to ARP table changes: index=<your_index> sourcetype=<your_sourcetype> „ARP table changed”
  • Filter events within a specific time range: index=<your_index> sourcetype=<your_sourcetype> earliest=-24h latest=now


It is important to note that while these tools can assist in detecting and mitigating ARP spoofing attacks, they should be used responsibly and with proper authorization. Employing these tools as part of a comprehensive network security strategy, along with implementing best practices and security measures, can significantly enhance your defenses against ARP spoofing and similar attacks. I hope you liked this post! If yes, then check my other educational posts! I share it all for free!

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